Thursday, May 22, 2008

A lazy afternoon nap

Just before the photo was taken his paw was resting on her hand. Despite all the ear pulling and tail tugging he loves her so much. A protector and friend for our Lucy. Thank you, sir Cooper the mild.


  1. Awwwww!!! That's so cute!

  2. Yeah! That is so cute. I am so glad cooper is home and loved. I even miss him a bit. And Corbue too now that he has had to go live at Amber's until the remodel is done! And old Lou dog, wonder where he is now. Grand Dogs...who would have thought it? And what is with the floor and little Lucy? go figure?!

  3. I love these two. Lucy loves to sleep on the hard floor - whether at night or for a nap. We never quite know where we'll find her when she finally lies down for a nap.

  4. She is just gearing up for August.... that wood floor may be the coolest place to sleep :)

  5. Lucy is so adorable. I am very sad to say that I haven't been introduce to this beautiful little girl. What a super sweet picture.
