Friday, May 23, 2008

The Studio's first finished product

remember that studio I showed you several weeks back? The one that was a pile of stuff and then over the day I tried to organize it into a functioning room in our home? Yea, that room was supposed to begin a journey of personal creativity and enjoyment that would be experienced DAILY because now I had a space of my own.

For almost every day the room is not used. But I've tried to turn over a leaf, and finally started working in there, even for just 10 minutes a day; just 10 minutes of creativity and organization each day...and it has been hard to find those 10 minutes. But I've tried, and this is the end result (it took lots of 10 minute sessions). It is a collage of phrases and sayings to celebrate the dedication of our home-which took place on May 4, 2008. Each wall, door and window reminds us of the home we are trying to enjoy here in our part of the world. The phrases say:

foundation: a foundation built upon the teachings of our Savior Jesus Christ
Walls: within our walls we wil speak kind words, learn to pray, sacrifice and forgive. Give service
Door: A safeguard against the dangers and temptations of the world & we invite uplifting thoughts and encouraging words across our threshold.
Windows: See the world with a compassionate heart & Invite the sunshine in & That we may view the world with hope
Roof: Where every diaper changed for a crying baby; every meal cooked; and every offer to stay home and babysit can be a Godly service and a step toward understanding the Savior and His love.

up the side of the piece it says; This home is dedicated as a place where the spirit of the Lord may dwell. Where our children may learn to love God and serve others, and where friends may come and feel welcome. Dedicated May 4, 2008 by dad, John Frank Graham

It might not seem much, but it is my first shot at creativity in my own space, and another of many attempts to use the walls and furnishings of our home to send messages of truth to our children.

I think I'm going to place it by the back door, where we enter the home most often.

I hope its not my last creative work to come from my little studio; here's to another 10 creative minutes tomorrow!


  1. That's so neat! At least you did something...these days I almost never open my craft drawers.

  2. I love that! You are so savy KT, why didn't any of it run off on me?

  3. I love your house.... the spirit of it and the presentation! Happy crafting

  4. Thanks for sharing, Katie. I love it! You're amazing.
