Tuesday, May 06, 2008

A note to you, Mom

Dear Mom,
Can you find yourself in this picture? It was taken only an hour or so after you arrived in South Africa. A long journey for you; hours of travel which is always hard on your psyche, and yet in moments you were reading stories to our children. That is who you are; a woman of purpose. You had come to be with your grandchildren, and so as soon as possible you were WITH them. Not just around them, patting their heads, but among them reading stories. On the floor with them, in their beds with them, wherever they are you are.

We have this blessing-different from most of my nieces and nephews-because we always live away from you. When you come you really are WITH us. And you give all you have (and more) to those who love you so much.

This is what Christ taught when he said "love one another" and "take my yoke upon you" because He gave himself completely. And when you do this for our kids you teach them who He is and that He loves this way.

Just wanted you to know.

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