Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The Why of the Evening...

Happily, I enjoyed an evening with the women of our local Relief Society (learn more about this awesome organization here) on Thursday of last week. I had been asked, along with 3 other amazing women, to introduce some of the ways that we foster unity in our family. For me, unity is a bi-product of identity, and creating a family identity has been important to me for a very long time. So I was happy to hop up on my soapbox and share some of my favorite identity building tools (creating your identity through your family environment, instilling a family identity through our traditions, and solidifying our family identity through our experiences). It was nerve racking for me on one level because I could talk about this for hours and needed to only take 15 minutes. But these women have already shown me such kindness, such acceptance and love, how could it not be fun to share with them a few things that matter a lot to me?

Before the evening was over, the most notable of my audience came to see my display. And all the reasons a family identity is important to me was reinforced. Love you, Grahams. I'm so glad to be one of you!


  1. So what was the fun stuff you showed? I love the big G on the canvas board, did you paint it?
    You are a great mom!

  2. Great display! I am so glad you had an opportunity to share some of your ideas. I have been impressed for years at your consistant efforts to tie your children to you and to each other visually and by example and love. I would love to have heard you and the other presenters that evening.
