Monday, May 05, 2008

To Mom,

Dear Mom,

What a great chance to share my love for you every day this week. Today I want you to know how nice it was to talk to you on the phone this weekend. To know you understood me, to feel like I could find out what is happening for my siblings, to hear that you and daddy are well-all of this is safety and security in my life. Even as a grown-up mom of my own little crew I feel anchored by your presence, even though distance separates. Thank you for your phone calls, even when they find their way to an answering machine. It means so much that you care to know how we are doing, and that you are there for me.
I just wanted you to know. I love you,

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your sweet note, KT. Not such a great pose of my tummy, but I love seeing those sweet little ones we visited that day. A wonderful memory brought about by your families adventure to South Africa and your kind heart. Love you KT
