Monday, May 19, 2008

A project worthwhile

You see before you over 600 lbs. of food, not one grain of wheat in the load. This is my new project, its called "find a place for all the food storage".
I'm very thankful we have the food storage. We've been counseled by our church leadership for many many years to store a surplus of practical foods in case we might need them. Those needs could range from unemployment or economic downturn to natural disaster to health disaster (like bird flu). Who knows exactly why, but for many many years the counsel has been coming (like, since I was a little girl).

John and I have had a food storage for some time, but it isn't truly complete and we had not replenished the food we had cycled through that storage, and found that it was very difficult to do that and store the extra in our last home; economically it wasn't extremely practical and our storage space was also quite limited in our darling bungalow.

But now, with Texas sized closets and the blessing of a little time mortgage free between our Salt Lake house and the purchase of this home, we've been able to fill in many of those gaps.

Still would like to have some beans and a little more wheat. But I can add all that into my regular monthly food budget.

Now, the task at hand is getting this bundle out of my garage in an organized fashion and into our closets. Wish me luck ;)

For more on the counsel of our leaders to store a surplus, just go here.

Have a Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. go you! that has to be such a great feeling, to be that close to being "done". i'm still in the "small space" phase. it doesn't feel like it will ever end.
