Monday, May 19, 2008

random thoughts for today

so, I've been thinking a little bit. Just some random stuff;

*I love my husband, and I am honored to be his companion.
*Yesterday was the wrong day to forget the church bag; John's first week in our ward bishopric and up on the stand he walked as Lucy raced down the isle behind him and Mason punched Porter in the arm...sigh
*yes, it was a match in the milk jug, many of you asked...
* I am schizophrenic about my motherhood right now; part of me is so very excited for my kids to be underfoot once this school year has ended. Part of me wants to extend the school year another-oh-5 months or so to make up for the days when my kids were underfoot and home schooled this year....
*I am not as self-directed as I would like to be-wish I was better at digging in without a deadline, and at tackling projects that need to be done but don't make a difference in our daily living (like the food storage mountain I showed you the other day-it is still a mountain, and not an organized bunch of commodities on our shelves at home)
*I'm sad today about the violent events in the world. I feel intensely thankful that we face tornado sirens instead of angry neighbors who want us to flee (see this article).
*My 13 year old had to turn in a scrapbook project for school and I did not format, design or tweak any of his lay-outs, which is amazing for me.
*In said scrapbook my kid said he was glad to have "such great parents" and I wanted to cry for joy.
*I can't wait to see my sisters and their kids (brothers and parents too) in just 6 short weeks!
*What am I going to do with MY kids for the next 6 weeks?!
*Jessica, will you be on our Ragnar relay team in October? We are running from San Antonio to Austin, and I want you to come with me...any sisters are welcome!

enough, but my head is swimming with lots more random-ness. Mondays are sometimes crazy that way...


  1. Dear Katie,
    This is the only way that I know of to get hold of you directly. Elizabeth mentioned offhand about two weeks ago that you have a blog when I was wishing outloud that I had new pictures of Molly, so I went searching. I finally found it and it is amazing. You have such a great family and kids, I am so happy that Elizabeth chose you and John for Molly, she seems very very happy. While I see alot of Shannon in her, her eyes remind me of Tryn, and Tryn is why I am contacting you. I would like to ask you to go out of your way to help my daughter. We are flying to Florida, and have a 3 hour layover in Houston. Tryn has never met her sister, she was in Colorado when Molly was born.
    Could you or would you consider letting Tryn meet Molly at HIA this Thursday? (5/22) our flight on the way back is through Atlanta.

    Rae Ann McCardell

  2. *you sure look pretty and put together
    *wish I could run with you in the ragnar.


  3. Congratulations for keeping hands off Mason's scrapbook! I bet that took a lot of restraint...but it shows a great deal of mother maturity! I am proud of you!

  4. PS Do you really have to run from San Antonio to Austin? It is a lovely drive in the spring or fall...but to run it? Oh well, how can I help?

  5. i can't believe john's already been called to the bishopric. well, i take that back. i *can* believe it...just it happened so fast. you just arrived there! see, you were needed and there you are. even though i miss you being here.

    i think you're one of the most remarkable moms i've ever met. i'm so grateful for examples like you to observe. i don't think i've ever been very good at forging my own trail. i just watch how the people i admire "do it", and try to emulate their examples as best I can. you're such a great one to watch. so are your kids. ♥
