Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Shopping with my girls

The truth that all of last summer's shorts are too small for the girls spurned a morning shopping trip for summer clothes. I snapped these photos as we-purses in hand as you see-visited the local shops to try and "fill in the gaps" for the summer's wardrobe. Hard to believe my daughters are big enough to take on "shopping trips". Harder to believe that trips to the "cheap stores" like Target and -what is that new one- Justice make my heart stop when its time to write the check for t-shirts and shorts. Thank heaven for $5 shipping from Old Navy; it is almost less expensive to pay that $5 than to drive my big suburban to the Old Navy nearest us. In the end, the best part was sitting on the floor in the Target dressing room while my little girls made faces in the 3 way mirror and my big girls consulted one another on which pair of shorts looked longest (I love that modesty has taken hold...bless them!). We ended our outing with a screaming two year old and a new pack of gum to pass around (after spending the dough on the shorts etc., I had none left for a lunch out with the girls-inflation is a total fact of life my friends!)


  1. That sounds so fun!!! ♥

  2. Looks like so much fun! I can't wait to take my girls shopping some day. And good job mom teaching those girls the importance of modesty!

  3. what? no fashion show? can't wait to see it in person in July then!
