Tuesday, May 27, 2008

His moment in the sun

For a kid who spent the better part of kindergartners as the only kindergartner, Porter has missed out on some total FUN this year. No running from classroom to classroom looking for the gingerbread boy who ran away. Very few rides on a school bus. Not so many "rest times" during a busy school day.

But maybe last week's kindergarten program made up for all that just a little. For one moment, Porter got to tell all within the sound of his microphone projected voice that his favorite color is blue, and then later he got to be two planets (Uranus and Pluto if you care to know). The class taught us all how rainbows came to be (apparently it has something to do with a housekeeper who wore different colored scarves when she cleaned the solar system-and hurt the rain cloud's feelings until it was all resolved in a beautiful coming together of all her scarves on cleaning day; creative thinking I must say!). And Porter beamed with joy. And confidence. And kindergarten wonder.

His moment in the housekeeper's very clean sun. I'm so grateful for the sunshine he brings my life most every day.

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