Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What is a Mormon Post 3

This post has some to do with the FAITH of our religion. What do Mormons actually believe in anyway? Here are a few of the basics:

* We believe the original church that Jesus established was lost and has been restored again in our day. The priesthood, the authority given to man to act in the name of God, with apostles and a prophet to lead us, has been restored as have all necessary ordinances of salvation.
* We believe in and we use the Holy Bible, both the Old and New Testaments.
* And we believe in the Book of Mormon and other books of scripture which support and authenticate the Bible and testify of the ministry and divinity of Christ and of God’s ongoing revelation to man. Indeed, the Book of Mormon is “Another Testament of Jesus Christ.(taken from Elder M. Russel Ballard)

I'd like to go just a tad further and explain that we believe in keeping the 10 commandments and honor and revere bible prophets as men of God who held authority to act in His name during their time on the Earth. We believe God has again given authority to men to act in His name, and that we currently have a prophet who is living upon the earth, and that he leads our church under the direction of Jesus Christ.

It is a comfort and blessing to believe that God is speaking to his servants today, and that He loves His children so much as to organize a place where they may worship and serve and learn of Him. We believe the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is such a place. I feel it an honor to be a member of this church, and to carry the nickname of "mormon".

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