Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Dallas Getaway

We had a long weekend in honor of Memorial day and had talked about taking the kids on a little road trip down to Austen. With Gas prices what they are (and hotel prices, and food prices-ugh!) we realized that was just not in the month's financial allocations. Instead, we promised ourselves and the kids that we'd not do "chores" outside of a daily recovery of the beating our house takes by our moving and being inside of it, and instead we'd try to enjoy what our city has to offer.

It was a great weekend. Our first activity on Saturday (after a very muggy run with the Ragnar girls) was fishing. Yep, fishing. I could not fathom the real interest in this, as it was BAIT fishing as opposed to the Graham embraced tradition of fly fishing-but somehow someone got it into their heads that fishing was fun and needed to be tried. So, John went out and -after asking some questions at the local sporting goods store- came home with a few poles, some hot dogs (bait in Texas, go figure) and some fishing hole spots to try.

The "Castle Park" was to be our spot, it is stocked and we could bring Cooper along (we forgot a water container for the dog, so Mason rigged one up out of the plastic packaging from the fishing pole-clever kid I tell ya).

To my utter astonishment, the kids loved the fishing. Molly and Lucy mostly chased after the dog. I spent a lot of time with raw hot dog in my hand and John used a pair of pliers to unhook all the fish that were caught. Porter endlessly complained that the Scooby Doo fishing pole was a dud and he had to use the pink fishing pole instead-but otherwise the kids had a blast. Who'd a thunk? fishing...and bait fishing at that!


  1. It sounds like you had a great time! I've never liked fishing, (though I've only done it once or twice) and I've never caught a fish - but that's so cool that you caught several!

  2. maybe a day of fishing for cousin camp - why not?

  3. Wow, with this one little activity you guys are already 1000 times more "outdoorsie" then our Dad ever was! :) hahahaha

  4. Was it catch and release? I couldn't imagine taking one of those fish home to fry up - yuck!

  5. Definitely catch and release.

  6. Way to go Grahams. Who was with us when we did the fishing in a bated "hole" and then waited at the companion restarant for the said "trout" to be prepared for the successful fishermen? Was that just Jess and Jen? what a racket and Dad paid for it and sat patiently on the deck waiting for the fishfry. Am I dreaming? Your Dad did that? Go going John...hot dogs and all.
