Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Getting our money's worth

We officially opened our swimming pool a few weeks ago when Mason celebrated his birthday-and since then we've been getting our money's worth out of that hole in the ground. Water, chemicals, electricity and a little natural gas add up these days. But the temperature keeps climbing, and the pool is very handy on a hot spring and now summer day. It is nice to jump in with the family for a half hour or so and have the fun accessible the way it is. Our last pool used a manual cover that took mammoth strength to undo, not to mention a good 45 minutes worth of fishing leaves and junk out off the pool bottom. Our one acre of paradise out here comes void of grown trees, so no leaves in the pool-which is a very good thing when the kids' beg a swim.

Do notice Lucy's disposition in the photo-due to tubes in her little tiny ears Ms. L hasn't had much experience in the water. This pic was taken during our Memorial Weekend "vacation", and before the weekend was over she was running headstrong into that water (a little scary, but very cute). Yep, this is one bunch of water that might actually pay for itself in satisfaction and relief from Texas temperatures!


  1. Who's the goofy looking guy in the back wearing the white wet suit?

  2. so excited to swim with you all come July!

  3. Shoot! I was totally going to make a joke about John's white shirt, but he already made it on himself. :)
