Wednesday, June 04, 2008

His Day All Day Long

Happy Birthday to Porter boy. Six years old, smart and funny, happy and "all boy". Wants to try soccer, football, baseball, karate, gymnastics and-interestingly-piano. Can't wait for Fridays because those are the only days he gets to play video games. Prays at night that he "won't have to move his name to yellow" which is the "warning color" for kids at school (translation; "please help me stay out of trouble with my teacher). A friend to anyone, and a comedian to everyone. Already too cool to kiss his mom, at least he knows its very cool to skip school with her on his birthday to go out to Sonic for Lunch.

(And the last baby that I physically labored to bring into this world. It's been a while since I had to suck on ice chips and wanted to punch a nurse. And that is a very good thing)

Happy Birthday my Porter Boy.


  1. you're a good mom katie graham! ♥

  2. Happy Birthday Porter! I love you "Harry Porter"!

  3. Miss you so much Porter and Love you always ! Happy birthday...hope you enjoy the surprise that is coming your way> Love you Grandpa and Grandma Noodle
