Wednesday, June 18, 2008

In the interest of full disclosure...

I have to tell you that the whole "chore plan" was lifted , yes; that is right, copied, duplicated, taken from here and you can see her plan for this summer (something entirely different) if you go here. I'll be making the summer fun clipboard today and having a pow-wow with the kids about all the stuff they've "gotta" do to be able to say summer was fun. Last year their requests were;
sleepover with cousins
swimming parties with friends
trip to Lagoon
girl's night to see Nancy Drew (that was mom's "gotta do")
have a Read-A-Thon

and the list went on.

This year my "gotta do's" will include:
*a trip to the Dallas Museum of Art
*convincing our long time friends the Asay's that taking us out in their boat is a good idea if it means coming back to our house after for a full on Graham feast.
*Taking my kids to see the new "Kit" movie from American Girl (she is my favorite *American girl character, and I fully endorse that company!)
*Riding a roller coaster!

we'll see what the kids come up with!
What are your summer plans? comment and share and I'll post your ideas too!


  1. I couldn't make the links work, any ideas? We can't wait for another "sleepover with cousins".

  2. My summer "gotta" do's;

    Get a new job :)
    Take the week of cousin camp off to be with my sisters & nieces & nephews!
    Go camping (at least once)
    Plant lots of gardens
    Have an abundant harvest at the farm
    Have a read-a-thon :)
    Ride a roller-coster (maybe I'll have to come to Dallas for that one, I hear, or actually I have experienced, that their are some pretty awesome one's there).

    Love you! Can't WAIT for the summer fun to come!

    Oh - and PS, the links didn't work for me as well. :(

  3. Work out every day that my family is in Utah so I don't look like such a fat slug?

  4. Links are now fixed.
    -Katie's webmaster

  5. Sounds fun! My plans:

    *Earn a lot of $
    *Hang out with cousins A TON
    *Be nice to my brother and always get along with him (that's not only summer...I need to do that always!)

  6. on our summer to do list:
    *video games
    *visit from mormor and farfar
    *ride four wheelers at uncle jake's house in idaho
    *sewing projects done (there are a lot)
    *NYC with grandma and grandpa
    *Mt. rushmore and Yellowstone
    *sleepovers with friends
    *stay up late to enjoy the (somewhat) cooler summer temps
    *seeing lots of cousins
    *sleeping in and staying up late
    *lots of ice cream making

    I had a lot of other ideas but I think in the end, the best things to do in summer is take it easy. Still I guess it will be a busy summer of taking it easy:D

  7. Oh, the best thing on our to do list: cut and dye the kids hair. We did it last week. Blue mohawks, purple all over, and turquoise highlighted hair have been very exciting.
