Wednesday, June 18, 2008


the dog adequately displays this quality regularly with Lucy. He is her punching bag, her pillow, her friend. Thanks Cooper the dog.
Have you noticed a "Lucy theme" this summer? The girl likes to be sans clothes. Hope it doesn't last past September, it does get a little embarrassing when she tries to get her brother to unbutton her sunday dress in the middle of Sacrament meeting. We've had to compromise at church-she keeps her dress on and I take her shoes off. One of the only children I know who runs across the burning pavement in the name of refusing to wear shoes to protect her feet. Silly Lucy


  1. That is an awesome picture.

  2. I wish I could feel that comfy in my bday suit... love to see those two together, so glad he is comfy under her head.

  3. Way to go Cooper! You are worth it all. (in hind sight , of course) so wonderful to see this bond.

  4. What an adorable duo - they both look pretty content! Lucy is lucky to have such an understanding and sweet little friend! :-)
