Thursday, June 05, 2008

Late Afternoon

hauling kids from book clubs to gymnastics. Sat still long enough to feel tired. Now it's time to make dinner. Have I accomplished anything on the list? I've been so busy that I don't even remember what I had written on the list; do you ever have days like this?

on to dinner and bedtime, perhaps some studio time for journals, chore lists and the like after the kiddies go to bed...


  1. Babe, at least you look good while your doing it! You do not look like a mother of 6 my dear sister, and with what you have accomplised today its about, oh I'd say 6 times more than what I accomplish in a day.

    I think you are amazing as usual! Love you!

  2. i'm surprised bunch hasn't been on here telling you what a better mom you are than me! ;-)

    i just sit around eating nutella and reading all day while entropy has it's way with the world around me. well, not really. but doesn't that sound fun?! ♥
