Friday, June 06, 2008

A report from Yesterday and other, better news...

So, obviously by my lack of report after dinner time yesterday nothing more on "the list" was accomplished. My husband, bless him, did get kids to bed while I began the projects which kick off our every summer. But the projects still wait; and that even after another full day of them needing to be done (that day being today, the kids' first day of summer break).

Largely today's lack of progress is over a very good investment of the family's time. John's office held it's second annual "take your kids to work day". This fun filled day involved our oldest 4 from 7:30 this morning until around 2:30 this afternoon. They helped solved a BCG case, presented their findings in the form of a slide presentation, enjoyed breakfast, lunch, snacks and a full blown ice cream sundae at the office. They played video games at the office, watched movies and the older girls created several arts and crafts. Face painting was part of the deal too-and you can see by our fairy realm daughters that it was no ordinary face painter that came in to do the job.

I brought the little girls to the office for lunch and the movies, and followed Lucy around John's office as she pointed to the computers and fell over the two sizes too big flip flops she scored at the arts and crafts table ("lip-lops" as Lucy affectionalely calls them). It all ended with well crafted BCG back packs for each child in our family. The roll away kind. The kids were thrilled. All we need now is another company endorsed, company funded case trip to another part of the world. I won't have to match the kids' clothes for the flights; they all have matching luggage instead! A good use of time...

Now back to that list.

Wish me luck, and have a great weekend.


  1. Hi Katie been reading your blog every week since the family left South Africa. Wishing you all the best Melissa (your exvisiting teachner).

  2. The bags match as well as glow in the hall way. sound like a really fun day for the kids! I think they should do that for mother and fathers and mothers and fathers in law! Glad everyone had a great time and Lucy scored some more lip lops.
