Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Scout's Honor

Mason left yesterday morning at 3:30 a.m. for a week of Boy Scout Camp. He was whining about spending the week in the heat and doing activities that did not include screens or any kind of joy stick. I, however, think he is off to spend a week making friends and learning that being 13 means you are BIG, and that you can do hard things.

And I miss him terribly. And I hope he's not feeling homesick. And, I hope he's saying his prayers and changing his underwear.

Porter couldn't go to sleep last night "without Mason" who has been a bunk mate since Porter remembers sleeping in his own bed. He bunked with Bryn-bless her-and cried himself to sleep.

So, in the end, while it is Mason's honor to be big, to be responsible, and to grow and learn at camp-it is our honor to have Mason before and after he gets home. An honor to call him son, brother. An honor to witness his goodness. An honor that he is family.


  1. Tears running down my face! That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard. It reminds me of when Jessica went to Logan for a semester. The difference is I was 18 years old crying myself to sleep, not 6 :) You never truely realize how much you love your siblings until they are gone.

  2. Thanks Jen, That caused me to tear up.

    So excited for Mas to be at camp - I loved camp, granted for me it was girls scout and YW camt - but I loved it!

  3. That looks a lot like a BYU cap he has on in that photo. Please say it aint so. If it is, we are canceling our flights for July!

  4. I don't think I ever got homesick at Scout Camp, but was surprised to feel homesick for Mason last night. These guys grow up too fast.

    Ty, I think this means the opposite - you need to buy a second ticket for June to Dallas.

  5. Worth noting that this picture was taken at 3 am which may explain the hat.

  6. Hey, it is ok to like the Y AND the U! Mason look great. Good job Mom and Dad getting him off at 3 am. Wow, where is the camp that they have to leave home at 3 am??? I am home sick for Mason...I so hope he is not homesick, it really is a sickness. How I fretted over my guys when Scout camp came around...the stories I can tell! But they lived through it and so did I. But they were really long weeks. Love you all Grandma Noodle
