Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A slice of my life

One of the kids got a hold of our very expensive and irreplaceable digital SLR camera. This photo was the evidence that the camera had been taken from it's perch on our tall dresser and snapped by one of the dubious Grahams.

I would never take this shot. "John's chair" in our bedroom ; a very extravegant purchase in its time, has seen better days. The bottom lining is starting to come apart. Lucy recently took a ball point pen and autographed it. So many children have slept in it so many nights we couldn't count them. It is worn. It is usually full of clutter. A special purchase in its day now become worn and rarely used for its intended purpose.

But it has had such comfortable significance in our family that I"m glad we have photographic proof of its existance in our lives. A great place for napping with newborn babies. The perfect size for cuddling in a sleepless toddler or a child who has been sick in the night. A great place to store folded laundry (you can see my laundry pile was moved in the middle of the night from the chair to make way for sleepless, floor hugging Lucy-the chair cushion is just hard enough to keep her asleep without my feeling guilty for letting her sleep on the hard wooden floor where she seems to find greatest bedtime comfort).

And it is good that you see it in its natural state. With the baby's comforter tucked in, the laundry piles and target bag scattered round. The church bag set right where it will remain until Sunday next comes 'round. Not perfect. Messy. Cluttered. Real.

A slice of our life in its daily form. A little messy. comfortable. inviting to those who want to rest a while. Home


  1. hey - that's not a bad shot, pretty artistic! what a great life to contemplate in a comfy, well used, and happy nook of your home. I love being in your home. the one thing I can't purchase to install in our home is that great family feeling I know abounds where you live. LOVE YOU and can't wait to see you in just a few short weeks!

  2. Did you find out who took that picture? I want to know!
