Monday, June 30, 2008

Thursday Excursions...

In trying to keep with past summers, I save one day each week where we don't have any kind of anything accept for morning chores. Then the day is "excursion day" or sometimes we've called it our "field trip day". You recall the berry picking fun, this last week we spent our excursion at the City's art museum, and we had a wonderful time.

Admission to the museum is completely reasonable (adult prices are $8, students 12 and up $7 and free for kids under 12). The only real cost other than admission was the probably $10 spent on gasoline to drive from our suburb in the sticks out to the awesome museum in the city.

Our first 2 hours was spent in the children's art discovery center, where the kids did everything from build forts out of over-sized cardboard blocks to create soft sculptures out of velvet and rubber bands. Their work could go home with them or, of course, go on the gallery wall for all to see. Mason-our resident artist-had his first gallery showing by displaying his soft sculpture cartoon character with the other "artists" on display.

The last 30 minutes was spent trying to see just one or two works from the American impressionist exhibit. I didn't have the band-width to manage the kids and study the name of the artist, but his subject revolved around the bluebonnets of Texas. Breathtaking. I got to enjoy amazing art for 30 minutes and my kids got to enjoy fantastic hands on art experiences for much, much longer. A fair trade. A wonderful excursion!


  1. And PW got to dress up like Tigger for the occasion?

  2. This is as far as I got reading your blog. You and Nie are two peas in a pod that is for sure. Thanks for sharing your enlightened thoughts about families and marriage. It is so refreshing in a world that constantly attacks the family unit.
