Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Finishing School

A few of the many wonderful and dedicated mothers in our church congregation have kindly allowed my girls and I to "hang with them" and learn some wonderful "finishing" skills like sewing. Last week the girls chose fabric, and together over just a few hours we (the girls really did actually do a bit of the sewing) created darling twirly skirts with very fun fabric. Look for finished photos at the end of the day once I've been able to sew on the finishing touch-ric rac trim. Thanks moms Jessica and Mindy for letting us learn from you-as a result I'm thinking a serger is definitely a must for our family of many girls...can't wait to make bread with you soon and finally to enjoy a lesson in table manners and etiquette. How fun to "finish ourselves" this summer!


  1. What a neat idea to have "finishing" school.

  2. sounds great. I love that you take time to share with us all that you guys are up to see you soon xoxox

  3. love the idea. i need finishing school, too! can't wait for the fashion show.

  4. oh how fun! i wish i had friends here who would "finish" me! i don't sew, bake bread or keep house all that well. you'll have to learn and then come give me and Bunch some lessons! :-)
