Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Dear John,

Thank you for the kind phone calls, the "happy birthday medley" and the beautiful flowers. I missed you on my birthday indeed-and more so because you tried so hard to be "attentive by remote". I think of you morning 'til night, no less than when we are residing in the same city, but the thoughts of our life together come more vividly when we are apart. Seeing dear friends, remembering fun date nights, reviewing our long-ago courtship which took place here in this town-it all brings my heart so tenderly to the surface.

I hope my little love notes have begun to trickle into the mailbox. I couldn't leave you to toil and labor for our welfare without some reminder that I'm thankful for the way you so diligently magnify your role as our provider and protector.

Just wanted to thank you for making my birthday sweet. And to remind you that my love for you is ever deeper for our absence from each other. What are the words to the song?

And though I know sometimes you go, to find your way alone,
Ever more I will love you,
you are ever my own.

with all my love,

1 comment:

  1. *blush*

    Best Dear John I've ever received.

    Come home.
