Monday, July 28, 2008

A couple of pics from the Utah Holiday 2008

Thanks to John for sending a few photos to share with all of you. Family pictures with cousins and grandparents, and Porter earnestly seeking a second popsicle. Life here is good. Especially when one takes into consideration all the heat advisory emails I've been getting for our little town in Texas. Watching my kids scooter in the driveway here at Grandma's house sure beats watching them pull the fuzz out of our throw pillows as they go stir crazy in ours. Even Cooper the dog can't really go outside these days...and outside is the only place we can let him go right now (he's gone a little stir crazy himself!).

More pics all week long, and perhaps I can give you a glimpse of the happy birthday extravaganza my mom put on for me last night, candles and everything...

Happy Monday

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