Thursday, July 24, 2008

A remote Post

Hi friends and family,
I'm posting from my parents' computer, which cannot download photos from my camera, so you don't get to see all the fun we are having on our month long hiatus from Texas. Two weeks down, two more to go...

hope I can share the fun more consistently during the last half of our trip-now that my better half is slaving away back in TX without us I'd like him to see that we are trying our best to enjoy our time away from the sweltering heat and the daily clipboard chores.

Park City, Cousin Camp, Family pictures and the baptism of my adorable niece have been high lights so far, but they pale in comparison to the 15 minute date John and I shared in the church parking lot while snarfing down crown burgers and milkshakes-our only time alone until we reunite in 16 days.

I'm counting down each one. And in the mean time, trying to enjoy my kids and family and the beauty of the mountains I grew up with.


  1. Hi Katie! It's always nice to read about your adventures. I hope you're all doing well. This summer I'm in Valencia, Spain with my husband to learn spanish. We have a blog (in swedish) if you'd like to take a look:

    Lots of love

  2. It was so fun to see you and your cute family in church today!

  3. we miss you in flower mound! we leave for slc on friday and look forward to the mountains. enjoy and have fun! see you back here in the sweltering heat!
