Friday, July 11, 2008

Fitting it in

to our suburban, that is. See all this stuff? Has to fit in the back of our car before 10 p.m. tonight so we can leave at 4 a.m. tomorrow for our long trek west. We will enjoy our cousins, grandparents and each other as an intact "traditional" family for a week. The kids and I stay on for three more, and send John home to toil and labor for our welfare while we play in the shadow of the Wasatch Mountains and in the watchful care of our "grand family" as our kids have always called them (few kids tell their friends that their aunts and uncles are their favorite people. Few kids are as fiercely loyal to their extended family as ours).

Wish us luck and check in to see how the two day drive treats us. Happy summer holiday!


  1. Can't wait to see all of you

  2. I hope you had two beautifully uneventful days. You deserved them! :)

  3. We must have crossed paths somewhere along the way... Hope you're having a great time!
