Thursday, July 10, 2008

A thoughtful giver...

Have you ever read that book about the love languages? You know, the one that proposes that different people feel loved in different ways. One of the ways is by spending "quality time" with the person. One way is by proximity (they call this "physical touch", but it isn't so much the kissy face kind of touch as the hold-your-hand-tastefully-in-public kind of touch). One of the languages is the language of giving gifts.

I feel loved that way.

Funny thing-and complicated thing-is, I don't just want to get any old gift. One year John presented a gift to me that he had asked someone else to pick out. That was not a favorite. Last year's birthday gift was, however, like the best gift ever-and it wasn't even that I got this cool Mac, it was the presentation, the thought that went behind the action. John had taken the time to present me with something that showed he knows me, and that he knows me well. That was the best gift John has ever given me, because I felt he'd listened to me all the times I'd told him this or that and then he rolled all that listening into an action, a gift, and that gift was magic to my fact I'm all a twitter just remembering that sweet and wonderful Birthday surprise (John, I've got a kiss waiting for you when you finally get home tonight).

Well, Erin, a neighborhood/church/running buddy friend who I just met last February, has given me just such a thoughtful, caring and considerate gift. An early birthday present (because we are not going to be in Texas on my actual birthday). I would never have expected a gift from Erin, or any other friend for that matter. But, after an exceptionally difficult morning, I came home to see a darling package waiting. Inside were these darling charms-and do you see that?!!! My new montra, how thoughtful is that?!!! How awesome, how cool, how unique---how loving.

Thanks Erin. What a kind, insightful, caring and loving gift to give a girl you've known not too long and who-I'm sure-you could relegate to "acquaintance". But no, you've instead shown me love and friendship beyond belief. A happy birthday to me, early, all because of you!


  1. And here I thought Lucy's book was my best gift ever. Can't wait to get home!

  2. what a thoughtful surprise, I feel so touch to know you have friends in that far away place to watch over you a bit since I am to far away wrapped up to do so. love you Katie!

  3. and speaking of Lucy's gift, I have at least 18 months worth of blogging that could use a hard back cover...hmmm perhaps an anniversary idea?

  4. Such a sweet unexpected thank you. :) You really made my day.

  5. Those are awesome!! I want one! Where did she find them? Or did she make them??

  6. I wish I was talented enough to make these. :) They are from an etsy store
