Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Miss Photogenic

Lucy has a definite pattern in front of the camera these days. As soon as she sees me pull my little silver elf from its tiny black case she is all smiles-even when she's not all smiles before or even after the camera goes back into its case! "Lemmeee seeee" is one of her favorite phrases, asking to see herself in the view-screen after the shot is taken. Almost always Lucy is looking up at me, and her pictures emphasize her tiny little size as the perspective shows the photographer towering over her. She's such a little flirt with the camera, and it is fun to see this litte elf with the pixie smile staring up in so many of our family's photographs. Keep smiling little Lucy, you are a wonderful site to see!


  1. She certainly is a cutie - what an adorable little smile she has!

  2. Lucy is so darn cute! I've never met her, but I feel like I know her from her pictures. Hopefully next time we are in Texas or Utah we will finally be able to meet this adorable little girl. I think the last time I saw you Molly wasn't even a year old.

  3. love it, love it, LOVE IT!! Can't wait to see it in person!!!!!

  4. How cute! She is a sweetheart.
