Thursday, August 21, 2008

A calm in the storm of sibling rivalry

when they aren't clocking one another over the head with a doll or competing for my attention, this is how our two tiny girls behave as siblings.

AAWWWW, so cuuuuute.

How do I keep them asleep until they are, say, 5 or 6 years old and that impulsive scream-until-you-win phase is over? Any suggestions are welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Katie, I am finally coming out of months of hiding and revealing my addiction to your amazing posts. This is "Mrs." Megan Chase from Cottonwood. I don't remember how I first found your blog, but I'm hooked.Thanks for a good read, you really are inspiring, if only I got to know you and your family a little better in person!
