Friday, August 22, 2008

Getting Ready Today...

To be the schedule keeper, the bus driver, the homework task-master and the house organizer. Sorting clothing, straightening closets and the mud wall of our garage. Making sure back packs are empty and ready to re-load Monday morning. We go over today at 3 for the kids to "meet their teacher", find their classrooms and put their school supplies in their desks. Mason has already been "oriented" for 8th grade and he'll make a trip to his locker this afternoon to dump his stuff inside.

Here we go. The first full public school year we've had in a while. Are we ready? Probably not. But its coming, so bring it on...

Happy Friday.

and p.s. balloons will fly from our back patio tomorrow in honor of Ms. Nie. Read more about it here Any locals who want to join, post here to let me know and I'll firm up a time and process


  1. Katie...

    I would love to join you... Let me know when... I can get balloons if you want! Thanks a million

  2. We just wanted to wish Lucy and the Grahams a Happy 2 year Forever Family Day. Who would of thought it's been 2 years since we were all in Vietnam together. Just thinking of all of you, especially the fun times we had with Mason & Lucy as we celebrate today! Hugs, The Cromwell's
    Heather, Keira & Grandma Monica

  3. Katie, this sound like an awful accident how did you come to find out about it? the ballons are a great idea...could you send one up for Julia and for Trent Snarr too? thanks and love to all

  4. i know this will sound weird, but as a mommy of 6 what type of vehicle are you driving in this picture? we only have 3 right now, but plan on expanding our brood to 5-7 total. we will be buying in the next 6 months, so any car advice is great appreciated. thanks
