Monday, August 25, 2008

The worst "First Day"

This has been our worst "first day of school" pretty much in the history of the Graham's going "back to school".

Brynley threw up all night. Which means she is missing the first day all together. Bummer for her, and for her grade; the teachers made a huge deal about having every enrolled child in their seat bright and early because if all the numbers shake out the school would be able to hire another fifth grade teacher....I hope my repeated explanations at the attendance office are enough NOT to have the school miss out on the extra staff due to one sick child :(

Porter threw up all day yesterday. Which means he went to school in a weakened and sorry state. Fed him cheerios and worried that might be a little much, but hey; the kid needed something in his stomach to handle a full day away.

Madi was 15 minutes late; due to the fact that I got -like-2 hours of sleep, and they began at about 5 a.m.-so needless to say we did not have a calm "hot breakfast" morning. It was more like; "kids, get dressed, hurry! We're going to be late!"

and we were.

Mason didn't have stuff in his locker. That is because his locker wouldn't open. We had wanted to get over to the school last Friday so he could calmly organize himself. But, last Friday our Molly was throwing up, and getting to the school couldn't happen with her chucking her cookies every 3 or 4 minutes (and she was throwing up cookies, because she kept sneaking food from the pantry all day even though she would then throw it up; Silly 4 year old!) And, because the elementary school kids were late the middle school kid didn't get as much time to get his things taken care of. I left my child, his back laden down with books and supplies, sitting in his first class (gym) without a locker that worked and with a look on face that said, "I knew this was going to be a crappy year. I hate middle school."

I hate middle school too.

So, that was our first day back. Horrible. Glad it is only one day. Tomorrow will be better, won't it?

Maybe I can pull the day out of the ashes and we can make something good of it; I've never been very good at stuff like that, much better at wallowing in the mire. But there is always a first time, right?

Check back tomorrow and we'll see how this 24 wraps itself up. Hopefully better than it began!


  1. Sweetheart! and all my wonderful grandkids! I am soo sorry you all have been sick and at this special time of year. My heart goes out to each one of you. Buck up and take care of each other and eveything else will take care of it's self.

    I do not think I have heard of a worse first day. Wish I was there to help you all out. We know you will get it all together and do a great job and have a good year! Just take care of each other...and pray this stomach thing does not hit your Mom and Dad! My love to you all! Grandma Noodle

  2. Ugh! That sounds down right rotten! I am so sorry this is all happening to you!

  3. ugh. wishing i could be helpful. the thing about wallowing is that eventually you get tired of sitting in it and you get yourself out. her is to a brighter day tomorrow! love you.

  4. Sounds yucky! On the flip side after kids have been sick it sure makes us appreciate healthy. Take care of your self so you don't get sick or your parents will have to make an impromptu visit. Moms can't get sick and lay in bed or on the couch all day!

  5. Lets just hope YOU don't start throwing up!!

  6. It will be a first day that everyone will remember while the rest get lost in their memories.

    Hopefully everyone at your house is on the mend now.
