Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The cutest guy in the class of 1988

at Bountiful High School is my husband, John. It was such a pleasure to be his "arm candy" through out the evening of his high school reunion. He had contemplated skipping the whole event, stating that no one would remember him and he'd not be able to recognize anyone he saw.

I swear a hundred people hollered "John" and greeted him with a hearty and heart-felt handshake. After the introduction of spouses the high school acquaintance would turn to me and say something like this;

"I knew John through all of elementary school and middle school. Not just in High School. He's always been a great kid. Always."

They also said he looked "exactly the same" as he did in High School; just taller and with a better hair cut (and a cuter girlfriend, I might add-just kidding. I'm his wife, not just his girlfriend.)

You have always been a great. And though you didn't have such deep smile lines back in the day, I love you more today than I ever could have then (never went for kids in acid wash, I was a guess jeans girl, ya know?). I'm so glad I'm the one you introduced as your wife. I'm so lucky to raise our crew with such a great kid as you as their dad. Happy reunion John. What a great way to spend our last night in Utah.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely more fun than I thought it would be. Really, really funny to see what 20 years does to people as long as you can forget that it has also done it to you (and will continue to). Best moment was walking past a girl that said 'no' to me for a dance and barely recognizing her, then after recognizing her shuddering. Twenty years had not been kind. Seemed such a rejection at the time.
