Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Favorite Souveniers

Favorite things brought home from our summer holiday:

*the only real "Thing" ; a painting I attempted (with minor success) thanks to my wonderful, supportive and caring mom-in-law. John's mom drips talent when it comes to paint-she is astounding. She lets me try in my own way to be creative, and then when I get stuck she comes in and helps me out. I worked on this project for hours at her house while she served in the Bountiful Temple and my kids watched TV. Then, just before we left her, she swooped in and made my one dimentional effort look, well, finished. And she let it look like me. she didn't try to change it or make it "her", which is what I love best about her. She let it be mine, and listened to me and helped me make it what I had wanted it to be. Thanks mom, you are such a gift in my life.

*The gentle breeze of the mountains. I can't show you a picture of that amazing memory. I can only tell you that time spent where there is no cel phone coverage, a cool breeze and a river where children can gather rocks and sit and splash is an unbelievable souvenir to bring home from any excursion.

*The love and relationships of family. Cousins who hug and play happily together. Sisters who listen and tell it like it is. Brothers who shed a tear when we hug and say goodbye. This is the one thing I truly do wish we could HAVE here. But we carry their love and acceptance and support and friendship wherever we go, even though they are not around the corner or a short drive away. Thanks mom, for helping me hem the jeans. That was my favorite time spent with you this trip. Too late at night you once again came to my rescue-not sewing the hem, but helping me process and unload all my thoughts and feelings; I know you want to fix and repair and renew things for me. But you let me figure it out for myself when you just listen and show me your love. I'll remember our late night alone in the sewing room every time I put on the silly jeans. Thanks ever so very much.

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