Monday, August 18, 2008

Home improvements while we are not at Home

We had some developments while on holiday. My husband -as a loving and generous birthday gift- purchased a painter (or at least he purchased the labor of a painter) to transform our o.k. kitchen into a light and bright center of activity in our home. I am so over-the-top pleased with the results. The red accents are exactly the "punch" I hoped for, and the wall color is that perfect "lived-in" shade of blue I had searched and searched to find.

We also gathered a long-ago ordered rug for the floor in the den. This too was a long searched for color and pattern, and although a little smaller than I had desired for the room, I like the subtle pattern and hooked rug texture (I am a huge hooked wool rug fan, love the home-i-ness of that texture and design in floor coverings). The kids had one last long car drive on Tuesday as I loaded them in the car and trucked down to Uptown Country Home where the rug had been ordered from. I love this darling store tucked back in Snider Plaza -that is a favorite haunt from Dallas living of yester-year for me (when Snider Plaza was 15 minutes away instead of 45!).

So, a few fun things to welcome us home; a new look for the kitchen and a rug to replace the scratchy grey rug pad we'd had in the den since last February.

Trying to find fun in coming back to Texas. Thanks John for the wonderful, thoughtful and very clever birthday gift. I'm so thankful for your generosity and smarts (painting without kids under foot is always a winner for me!). I think of you, my handsome prince, whenever the white kitchen cupboards catch extra light from the windows and cast a bright happy glow on the room where I live most of my life. The calming blue reminds me you are coming home to calm my daily worries. The red accents remind me you are the fun and spunky joy in my life.


  1. I like the leg touch in the first picture. Nice effect! :-)

    So cool to have such a dream house to raise your happy brood in. Ahhh...perhaps someday. (of course by then mine will all be grown and gone) But i sure love seeing my friends happily situated!

  2. It is beautiful! I love the blue. Can I ask what color/brand it is? I am always on the hunt for a perfect blue. You are one lucky woman!

  3. The color is called Kopen Blue and it is from Sherwin Williams. I played with the depth of color (I had them only use 75% of the colorant) so it would be a little more "washed out". Good Luck!

  4. so perfectly Katie! so happy one of us gets to live the reality of white cupboards. wish I could live in that room with you one or two days a week.

  5. Great look. Glad you are happy. Measure out your table and "design" the light fixture we talked about and we will get it to you!

  6. I just finished painting my cabinets white too...hooray! What a difference it makes to work in a light, bright space! Your house looks have such great tastes. Wish I could see it in person. I love it!
