Friday, August 15, 2008

One big thank you...

must be given to Mr. James Bourne. A very dear family friend, James has been a mentor and hero to Mason for some time. You see, James is a student in the animation department at Brigham Young University. This prestigious and hard earned position is one that Mason would like have sometime down the road, and James has for the last two summers been willing to give Mason a first hand look at what it is like to be an animation student. Figure drawing, learning how to depict expression, perspective and action are just a few of the things Mason got a taste of in his intensive training with Master Bourne during our holiday in Utah.

Thanks James, for giving Mason some very precious time and some great advice. Thanks for helping him to have direction as he looks to his own future. Your gift of time, talent and friendship means a lot to him, and a lot to me, his mom!

1 comment:

  1. You know next time you are here Mason should really come by my work and checkout what our animators do.
