Thursday, August 14, 2008

I don't mean to dwell

on our recent month in Utah, but there are just a few things I need to mention.

Like the fact that all of the things in the basket you see are things I LOVE from Utah-or near Utah. And most of them ya just can't get anywhere else. Like;

Utah Sweet Corn. John and I had a corn selling stand, it was our first business venture together and it was unprofitable, but we grew to really enjoy a good ear of corn, like every night of the week during corn season we enjoyed it! And it never got old or tiresome to bite down on a lovely ear of salt and pepper corn on the cob. We ate corn night after night in Utah. Whenever I drove past a corn stand on the side of the road I stopped and brought some home to share with whomever we were eating with that night.

Bear Lake Raspberries. You can get these outside Utah, namely at Bear Lake. They are like red diamonds they are so precious. They melt with sweet goodness in your mouth. Eat them alone, bake them in things, put them in and on ice cream. They are wonderful. The only thing that compares are fresh Oregon blueberries (and you can't buy those in Utah...)

Great Harvest Bread. O.k., you can buy a great loaf of Great harvest bread right in my neighborhood here in TX, but you can't buy the sweet and buttery yumm of the sugar cookies that only the Store in Holladay has learned how to serve up. 24th of July, Valentine's day, Start of school and many other random and lovely holidays bring these special cookies to the "for sale" counter at our old neighborhood's location, and those are Utah-local and oh so yummy!

Fresh picked green beans. We have grown very good green beans in many different places. But eating fresh green beans with my siblings at Sunday dinner is -well- an experience I can only have in Utah. And I enjoy that experience, because we all like them, and we all compliment my mom when she buys them. And someday soon my little sister is going to harvest boat loads of them from her significant other's lot-turned-farm and I won't get to eat them with her because I live in stinkin' Texas. Just had to vent. Next year I swear I'll have yummy young green beans of my own from my very own garden (I've mentioned lack of garden before, and this won't be the last time either, since I'm convinced that we just don't have our OWN home unless we have our OWN garden to weed, and I don't mean flowers either; I mean tomatoes and beans and eggplant that no one eats but me!)

Oh, and Utah Sweet's company cinnamon bears. All the other kinds leave my taste buds over-worked. Only in Utah can you have just enough goo and just enough spicy cinnamon.

Some things are just better in Utah. Don't mean to dwell on that, its just the sorry truth.

1 comment:

  1. I can relate being away from family and the comforts of home are hard but the adventure is worth it. I have to admit I have an addiction to Sweet's cinnamon bears too. While living in Tallahassee (I am sure TX beats FL, in living conditions) I was never able to purchase any brand of cinnamon bears. I am convinced they are only sold West of the Mississippi. I would go nuts without my cinnamon - it is my motherhood therapy!
