Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Drive we Make

Out of Texas before the sun rises, into New Mexico for such a long time. A few hours (or less) in Colorado, and then on into Utah and pressing north to our family. This is the drive we make -24 hours of driving almost exactly - to be with family. This last weekend we made the trip in reverse, leaving behind loved ones and packing the car to the gills in order to go back to our Texas home and re-settle there after a long holiday.

It is a surreal feeling to make a drive like that with our large family. On the one hand, unnerving as kids squabble over electronic devices which are only aloud on long travel excursions. We pack into our suburban like sardines and climb over food, extra diapers and personal comfort devices ("blankies") in order to get in and out of the car. Kids need to stop for a chance to stretch, Parents drive with cafine pumping through their veins, we are all apprehensive about reaching our destination.

On the other hand, it is only our children and ourselves. Phones have no reception, conversations that only the perfect family dinner could match - its like a slumber party with your most kindred friends happening for hour after hour. Sitting close to John in the car with our children around us and only the Lord of Heaven aware of exactly where we are on the planet - in some weird sort of way I absolutely love that feeling.

Now we are home, feeling a little uneasy in Texas-its been a long time since we slept in our beds, and we moved here such a short time ago in the scheme of things that it all feels a little new again. Homesick for familiarity and the feeling that this is home for good-we all stumbled around this house in that "what are we doing here" kind of daze once returned. Then friends called, the kids swam in their swimming pool, and we were given chances to think of others before ourselves, so a hope that this will be home creeps in with the promise that happiness is a state of mind and not a State to live in.

The Grahams are home again.


  1. So So glad you made it 'home' safe and with somewhat sound minds :) See you soon!

  2. So happy to have had you close for such a long time, so sad to see you go - but happy to know of friends there in the big D that love you.

  3. I just e-mailed you about a good friend of mine who lives literally around the corner from you! Small world! Maybe you'll run into each other at school or in the neighborhood. Say Hi to each other for me!

  4. Okay...that's freaky. I have the exact same photo of the rainbow and the same big rock mountain (going the other way, of course) from our trip out here!!!
    Glad you traveled safely and had a fun Utah vacation. We miss your sweet family!

  5. miss you so much already!!

  6. I'm sure it was just me but it looks like you might be weepy in that picutre of you driving... I know it made me weepy to see you leaving. I REALLY miss having you around. call you soon - hope all is going well.

  7. We make that same trek each year too. My kids call that rock the "snowman" rock. Sounds like you had a fun summer.

    Even after living in Texas for 11 years, I can bring myself to say I'm from here. I guess the home you grew up in never leaves you.

  8. I meant to write "can't" about saying I'm a texan.
