Monday, August 11, 2008

Family Dinner in Utah




Once a month my parents gather their posterity in celebration of family and good food. Always the meal is on Sunday after church, and always it feels like we get to be "home" for a while. THose of us who live away from Utah miss these family gatherings, and we revel in them when we come home to visit. I thought it would be fun to share the way a large family enjoys one another, and document the importance of this family tradition in my life and the life of my siblings, my nieces and nephews, and my children. Hopefully my pictures can tell the words I lack to describe or convey the precious feeling of being part of a family that loves and accepts each other so comfortably and so truly.

The kids and their children begin to arrive and help prepare the last details of the meal. Dad then calls us all to prayer, and after proper thanks are given for the bounty of our blessings the grandkids are served. Parents and grandparents then dish out and converse longer than the meal could ever last. Table is cleared, and dishes are done while kids and grown ups go out to the drive way to play. The birthdays which occur during the month are, in finale to the evening, celebrated with Mom's traditional Boston Cream Pie. This month one of the birthdays celebrated was mine, lucky me! Converstations continue and sometimes games are played well into the evening, until all the posterity clears the house and mom and dad are left again with a little peace and quiet, and time to plan next month's gathering.
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1 comment:

  1. It looks like that trick side door is still there. Last time I was at your mom's house I almost tried walking in that way just like I did a million other times growing up. I do love it when our family gets together. It was fun when we would get together back in the day, but sadly now with how big our families have gotten only a church gym can hold us. Looks like Utah is a ton of fun. Hope you enjoy your 15th anniversary! I can't believe it's been that long, I'll think of you and John when I bow out my birthday candles on the same day! I always loved that you got married on my birthday. Have a good one.
