Friday, August 08, 2008

Longing to see this face

this many weeks are too many. I'm longing so much to see my John again. Tonight he'll fly in, spending some 14 or so hours alone with me on an early anniversary overnight up at Snowbird resort (in a few weeks it will be 15 years since we began our lives and husband and wife. and We began them -after marrying in the Salt Lake Temple-with an evening up at Snowbird. He remembered, isn't that sweet?) He arranged it all himslef. All I have to do is settle the kids with the sitters he begged (thanks mom and Dad, and Jess and Dean; it takes a village to raise a child, I guess it takes and army to raise our 6!) and pick him up at the airport. I've been pretty strong without him until this week. About Monday I started to feel it; that feeling you have when you know that something so vital to your happiness and wholeness is just not with you. Even though John and I spend very few hours in the same place when we are home in Texas, those hours are the glue that hold me together. I can see and feel that some parts of me are so gone missing when we are apart so very long.

I love you John. I'm eager to be whole again. Fly safely to me my love. See you soon.


  1. Hello my long lost Northwood friend!I feel your pain - Aaron has started a new job in Cincinnati so we only see him for maybe 30 hours on the weekends. It's amazing how I long for those few hours just to feel complete, content and able to conquer the world. Looks like you've had fun in Utah, wish we were there too. Take care


  2. You have been strong KT - Matt has been gone only a week and I have been such a baby about it, I have not heard one complaint from you though. You are a trooper!

  3. happy anniversary katie g! i'm just returned from working and gathering my family around me again. of course doc had to leave at 4am but i did get to see him for a happy 3 hours last night. we have our 18th anniversary this month, but that day everyone will be heading out and i'll be alone. it's the 1st day of school, for bunch & gator, and mid surgery rotation. so i'll have to do something special to commemorate on my own.

    it was so lovely to see you. have a wonderful time with john!

  4. I saw this title in my reader, and fully expected to log on and see a picture of me! :(

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Actually that looks a lot like you, Ty.

  7. That is Tyler, is someone doing trick photography on your blog?
