Thursday, August 07, 2008

My Favorite Cousin Camp Adventure




was a fun scavenger hunt on Main Street in Park City. The cousins were split into teams, and each team was given a section of the alphabet. Finding things, people and places beginning with each letter in your section and photographing them was the quest. A time limit was given, the stakes were high (Aunt Mandy provided the exciting prizes for most creative photos). Here you see our team's favorite letters; Y-yellow flowers in the park and W-WEAVING in the window (o.k., my nephew's favorite was actually the S; "stop for chocolate" sign in the fudge factory's window. And our most creative was certainly the kids posing as sniffing dogs in front of the R; red fire hydrant...but these pics were all I could find to share, so Y and W will have to do!)

Thanks to Jody for pulling off a cool power point presentation showing all the cousins' scavenger hunt photos. This was by far the most fun we had at camp this year, aside from riding the slide...
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