Monday, September 29, 2008

A Heritage of Happiness

That's what I've been given. I learned about it last Saturday night, while I was here. You can learn about this wonderful heritage too, and please recognize it is a heritage we can all share...

Not only did I realize that I get to be happy right now, tools were given to learn how to be happy most always. They boil down to two important, even God-like qualities

Developing our abilities to Create

Increasing our level of Compassion.

I'm going to address these ideas a LOT in the next few weeks, for myself and perhaps for you too. I think these ideas and concepts have reminded me of the light that can burn within us; even that Light of Christ who is our Savior, the Creator of Heaven and Earth and the greatest exemplar of Compassion our world has ever known.

So think about it. You have a heritage of Happiness, what does that mean for you? Open your heart a little, and search inside it to find what it is about that phrase that rings true in your life. Here's a hint (and this was to resonate in my soul from the time I heard it said by this man until even right now). Having the right to happiness does not mean that you always need to have your life in happy order. Things in that good life can be messy-even very painful-and still you are gifted the opportunity to feel happy.

That's the first idea we want to ponder. Think of times when things in your life were sad, but you still somehow could see ways to feel happy. I'm going to do that more often. I'm going to do that better. Cause heaven (literally heaven) knows, I'd like to be more happy more of the time.

talk to you more about it soon. just think about it for now, and try to find glimpses of happiness as you go about your Monday :)


  1. I lOVED the conference too! The talks were all so powerful! I really left feeling so inspired and excited about life and being a woman and a Mother! I look forward to your future posts about the conference!

  2. what an uplifting post. thanks for sharing the link. i listened and really enjoyed it. it really makes me happy to be a mom and wife. i too look forward to hearing about your happiness. and what a happy picture that is with your post!
