Wednesday, October 01, 2008

helping my happy

In an effort to take in and become one who enjoys a heritage of happiness, it is important to recognize those things around us that can bring happiness to our lives. I think sometimes I fall short in seeing that even when life is chaos, there are a few things in the chaos that are happy. I"m trying to see those things, and to pause and really enjoy the chance to feel the happiness that comes from them. Here are a few things in my little life that are currently helping my happy. Decorating for Halloween.
The conversation I had with my absolutely heavenly niece Ella by phone the other day.
and the simple truth that these little people are just about to complete their first 6 weeks of school; with nary a poor grade among them. Their diligence in learning has brought me great happiness even in the chaos of homework and tardy bells...

what helps your happy? Think about it. I bet in the craziness of the life you are in you can fin some things that bring happiness. When you do, be sure to stop, breath in that happy feeling for a while, and then go forward looking for more happy to be had in the every day of your living.


  1. You are always so uplifting - especially when I really need it. THANKS. By the way, Judd told me the story of the soup can labels - I am SOOO sorry!

  2. This smile makes me happy.

    Kristen, we liked the idea so much that we've taken the labels off all our canned food now. Life's an adventure!

  3. reading your last two posts. thank you my cup is a bit fuller. oh, and being your sister. that always makes me happy ;)! glad Ella brightened your day, she IS good at that stuff. love to you!

  4. Please, tell me the story of the soup can labels?! sound like a fun story to keep in mind and make me smile when I am doing one of the mundain things I have to do that make me frown. And I would have loved to have heard your visit with Ella. Love to all and thanks for helping me be happy! Love Mom

  5. Saw you on Nie's blog. I love this photo. I'm a huge family matcher... especially for special events.
