Thursday, October 02, 2008

Remembering can help our happy

I'm remembering today that one year ago these scenes were part of our daily experience. Wow, did I really get to do that? Live in Africa with all of my children? Have my husband work regular hours and come home at night to his adoring family? Visit orphanages, see living history, ride elephants? Yep. I got to do that. And it was only a year ago.

Remembering the blessings we've been given helps us feel happy as we live in our everyday. In fact, I heard here how writing down our daily blessings can be a great help and sustaining spiritual strength in harder times. And the things we record can bless the lives of our children too.

Give it a try. Before you sleep each night, pull out a notebook, say a little prayer, and stare at the page until you can see, or hear, or feel one way you or one of your family members has been blessed in that day. I bet you don't stare very long. If you open your heart, the good blessings of the Lord will become apparent. He will lovingly remind you that He is in your day to day, that He is interested and has helped all He can to bring you and your family closer to Him, and closer to knowing His Son.

Two nights ago, my little diary entry was about the sweet love and advice my daddy gave me in a phone conversation we shared about how to raise a teenager. Yesterday, I was thankful that I made it through bedtime without pulling any of my hair out of my head-and without screaming at my children (yes, that was a blessing, and I am thankful for it and can publicly acknowledge that sometimes I want to rip out hair and scream, don't we all want to do that sometimes? Please tell me yes!).

There are blessings in your life. Try hard to see them today. Remember them later, and let them help your happy.


  1. that is a great idea. I think I'll start today. Thanks for having such an inspiring blog!

  2. Sure love all your advice and the example you set. Keep up the happy! Hey are you guys going home for Christmas?

  3. Of course we all want to pull out hair and scream - but you are a better person for refraining from screaming at your kids or husband - it really hurts their self-esteem - nothing could be worse for a child. You are a good mother!
