Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Miss you

I miss you when you travel. I know it is part of the job, and I have learned better over the years that I can manage without you. But, I like you. I like having you hold me in your arms once (or twice..) each day. I like the funny things you say and the calm way I feel when you stand next to me.

We are meant to be one. I know that doesn't mean we do the same things all the time or be in the same places every minute. But one I am when I'm with you...

and so I miss you.

I"m glad Greece went well, and I'm glad you got to go there and see ancient buildings and beautiful sunsets. I'm happy you could be the BMOC at BYU and have all the little business undergrads look up to you and say "wow, I want to be like him when I grow up." I'm happy those experiences are yours and that you are having them. I don't mean by my words to suggest I'm not over joyed for you and for the chances you have sometimes to grow and experience through your profession.

I just miss you. And I like you. And I wanted you to know.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your internet is back up. and that he should be gracing your door very soon. so happy you have all that you need in your very happy union. love you.
