Monday, September 15, 2008

Waiting out a storm...

Our part of Texas was warned to batten down the hatches for the aftermath of Hurricane Ike. We don't live near Houston or Galviston, so we weren't in for the full blow. But it looked as though the rain bands that circle the storm would send very high winds and flash flooding to our part of this great state. I spent Friday afternoon filling the gas tank, purchasing extra drinking water and filling our emergency water barrels full. We were also told to move outdoor furniture and secure it, so our neighbors helped us weigh down the trampoline that had catapulted across their back fence to land upside the back of their house.

Well, by mid day Saturday the kids were wondering when all the excitement would start. Because one can never fully predict mother nature, we felt it best to stick close to home, but it was pretty clear that our hurricane aftermath would produce little more than autumn showers and a bad case of cabin fever. By 1 p.m I had sent the kids out on the back patio, in the drizzle, to paint picture frames. Molly was the most hurricane we saw-with her quick ability to spread paint all over the patio table, her clothes, her hands and her paint that was a storm!

By the end of the day the kids were truly dissapointed in the weather predictors. I tried to explain that while those weather guys do their best, they can't be sure which direction the storms will go in after they hit land. I only felt sorry for those who had not been warned and found themselves in harm's way.

Guess its all part of living in Texas. Around here they say, "if you don't like the weather, just wait about 5 minutes." We learned some of that lesson this weekend as we waited for a storm that never came.


  1. glad things were "calm" in your neighborhood. it must pay to be prepared!

  2. Thankgoodness that was all you had to deal with! Prayers are answered.
