Thursday, October 16, 2008


She began screaming (and I do mean full throttle screaming) when we pulled into the driveway. "Don git me outttt!" she screeched, perhaps wanting a little afternoon drive around the neighborhood?

Out we came, and her screams continued for another 20 minutes. The jacket came off, she put it back on, it came off again and she put it back on, screaming for me to "zi pit" every time.

Still screaming, I put her in her bed. She would not stay. I stopped trying to force it, and she wandered down stairs, climbed into John's chair, put on her hood

and finally fell asleep.

Sweet dreams little screamer. Wake up happy :)


  1. what does zi pit mean?

  2. Oooo! She WAS tired, wasn't she!?! It's strange how a perfectly happy little person can become impossible when they are tired. It reminds me that I also am easily irritated at those times, and not to accuse everyone else of being the ridiculous ones. :)

  3. as it "zip it" meaning, zip up my jacket, darn ya!

  4. She's so adorable! It's been fun watching her grow!! I totally got hooked on your blog when you were in Vietnam to adopt her (I work for your mother in law) and I just want to let you know how much I love it and stand in awe of your mothering. You're the kind of mother I hope I can be.

  5. Thanks for this post. I miss the kids so much! And Lucy and Molly are growing so fast. I love the "zi pit". another great that it is quiet. Love you all Grandma N
