Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Monday is for Making...

this. Bread for my family to slice and use in their lunch sandwiches, as toast in the mornings, and for after school snacks smeared with honey or jam. Finally the weather is bake-friendly, and my life has a pattern enough that I can claim Mondays to be in my own home, all day long, with my little girls at my feet and my domesticity staring me in my eager face.

When do you act domestic? It is good for the soul you know. Being domestic (which includes folding laundry, planting or weeding a garden, washing things like floors and windows, baking or cooking delightful dishes, improving your home with a coat of paint or a picture on the wall that wasn't there before-to me, these kinds of things are domestic things, and they are good in their proper doses).

what is your favorite domestic delight? Some love to clean (this is not me). Some love to decorate, some to cook, some to organize. What for you? Baking, decorating, organizing; all these are part of the domestic goddess within me. Mothering too, is part of my personal domestic godess-ness. Nurturing a child, watching them understand something they didn't get before, and helping them learn how to clean, cook and grow is all part of the domesticity within. And I enjoy all of it, especially when my attitude is that of service and not of servitude.

One last thought, you don't have to mother to be domestic. You don't have to be a parent to enjoy improving your domicile and the nature of those who reside within it. Domesticity is the appreciation of all things home-it lends itself to everyone, and it can be enjoyable and fulfilling.


  1. My current favorites are sewing and portrait photography (with my kids as sometimes unwilling, but bribable, models). Organizing and purging are close seconds.

  2. ahh sweet katie. i don't really have any domestic loves. it's probably the thing that frustrates me most. i strive to keep a semblance of order and cleanliness. but it's never crossed over the line of stuff i should and need to do to the realm of stuff i derive joy or satisfaction from. maybe i'm domestically deficient. could it be genetic?

    today it was nice to read your happy post. i hit a slump in the meadow. thanks for the ray of sunlight.

  3. I was domestic last night when I baked Eggplant Parmeson, so yummy! I do love to cook, and I do love to have my own little home where I can be "domestic"!

  4. Cooking for me. Right now I'm seasoning my third dutch oven in preparation for a chili cookoff on Monday. I intend to win. =)

  5. It was a good Tuesday. Eight pans of lasagne 8x8) in one morning. All for the new baby families in our neighborhood right now. Eight new borns in this neighborhood in one month! I have my welcome home dinners in the freezer ready to go as the moms come home from the hospital. Today I made a quad batch of your yummy chocolate chip cookies and got the cookie balls frozen in the freezer. Your bread looks wonderful. Please e-mail me your receipe so I can give it a try. The pumpkin cookies look great too! It was such a good feeling to spend two mornings in my kitchen and not feel guilty about not being at the shop!

  6. Hey Katie! I went to the store the other day and bread was on my list. Very certain bread becasue Josh is rather picky! This bread is $3.00 a loaf now!! The thought entered my head that I might be able to make yummy homemade bread for less. What do you think? When all is said and done do you think your bread is less then $3 a loaf??

  7. Lack of domesticity is one of my major problems right now. That bread looks good though- do you want to share the recipe and any tricks you've learned?

  8. I am longing for domesticity by choice. you would think I would be LOVING getting our house in order - but cleaning up after workmen is not my prefered method of being domestic. so do those Southwest tickest work comming this direction - I need help hanging pictures and making this home a heaven! hint hint.
