Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hello to a Dear Friend and other bits of news

I had the priviledge of hearing from our dear friend, Trust Shoko, who was our driver and overall protector while we lived in South Africa last year. Trust has and will always been completely endearing to our family. His loyalty to our children, to his religion and to his own wife and family is sincere and devoted. He is hard working, resourceful and humble.

Some of you who read my blog (Melissa I'm thinking of you in particular) are friends from our wonderful days in Joburg. If you can, please look out for Trust. Contact him, send a note to the Shoko home, invite the Shoko family to dinner in your home, visit them in theirs. See what you can do to lift the hands that hang down at this time of challenge for a dear and good soul.

Remember, serving others helps us become more happy. Who knows but that the next time I will be the one who needs the lifting, but for now, I ask you to care for this wonderful family as I am too far away to provide swift relief. Don't delay. Extend your heart to them now.

Happy Thursday.

p.s. In light of the fact that I am leaving tonight to participate in a 24 hour relay, I won't be blogging much until next week. But I do plan to show you the beautiful clogs I've earned by running even though I didn't want to , and going without sugar even when I craved it to my very bones. My month of sacrifice is almost over, and to be honest I've not done very well this week as per my no-sugar diet, but overall I think I've earned the new and funky shoes waiting for me at the finish line...

look for fun pictures of wonderful women enjoying the chance to stretch our muscles and endure hard things in the name of competition and good health. See you all on Monday!


  1. Hi Katie! Good Luck for your relay. Will look out for the Shoko family.
    Love Melissa
    I need to contact you via email.
    How can I?

  2. Mel, Jann Bassett has my email. give her a ring and then send me a note!

  3. Hey Katie-
    Best of luck with your relay!! Sounds like fun!


  4. KT, it sounds as though something particularly challenging has happened to Trust and his family, please fill me in. Love!
