Monday, October 27, 2008

The race, in brief

I have 30 seconds to tell you that the race was spectacular. Every runner outdid herself (including me I must say, finished every leg faster than I had anticipated). The kids and John did well without me, although the house missed me a lot (lets just say it took a bit of doing to sort the laundry and finish cleaning the kitchen this morning; thanks to Mom-in-law Judy who took a long layover and spent it helping the Grahams' get back on their feet!).

More pictures and stories tomorrow. Thanks to all who sent love and support; a special and ever mounting thanks to John for being my cheerleader and best friend. Miss you all Ragnar runners, can't wait for a repeat next year!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Katie!! Any time a mom of 6 can make the time to train for an athletic event is truly remarkable. :)

    Tell John thanks for visiting our blog. He was our first "comment"! I need to take a few hours (or more) to organize my pictures and get my blog where I want it. Now to find the time...

    Take care,
