Tuesday, October 28, 2008

So Late, but Not at all Forgotten...

Jessa's birthday was two days ago, and i missed it. I didn't call. It didn't register when she sent me a text of congratulations on running without falling. The past 5-7 days have run together in a blurr; husband is unavailable at the moment so days turn into nights unnoticed. I am Molly's preschool teacher this week and last, so the house is overrun with projects that teach 4 year olds what the letter "O" looks like and books that celebrate Halloween. The race; awesome, fun, challenging and time consuming, took three nights worth of sleep and to be honest I think I'm getting a little old for that kind of rest deprivation (but not old enough not to do it again; count me in for next year girls!). So, I didn't even realize the date, or even the day of the week...and I missed our Jessa's big day.

I'm so sorry sister. Could you possibly forgive?

Please know that you are so not forgotten! You are adored by all who live in this Graham house, and I-your big sis-remember every year the night I walked up stairs to see my mother holding her brand spankin' new baby, freshly delivered, by the ankles-reassuring me that my new little sister would be o.k. (yep, got to witness post birth Jessa, as she was too impatient to be birthed at hospital).

I've been there with ya from the start, literally. so please know that even though the whir of my current pace made my birthday wish for you late, It was in no way ever forgotten.

I love you J., like a big sister really should love her little sister; protectively and proudly. With awe and respect and wonder. I am inspired by your artfulness, by the fresh way you see the world. I love the passion that is in you, and the talents that ooze from your being. Your loyalty is astounding, and your challenged faith growing, ever growing, to solid knowledge and couragious living. I'm happy you are loved by me and all who live with me, as you've been among us more than any other family member. How could I not love a sister who would play super heroes with my kids?

I do love you, and I wish you, belatedly, a grand and wonderful year ahead. You are in a good place J., enjoy every living second of it.

Happy belated Birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Oh the tears, thank you for the sweet b-day wish. It has been a great one and I have truely felt loved.

    Love you Grahams (and miss you like crazy)!
