Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Final Thought

It's time to give the weekend's race a final goodbye and adieus. Go Here for better photos and commentary than my tired brain could come up with and to enjoy the essence of the race more fully.

To be sure, this experience was, for me, a reason to work toward a goal. I find that when I employ the efforts of others whom I respect and saddle them with me in something challenging, I tend to rise better to the occasion. Call it competition, call it pride, call it group psychology, but it works for me, and in this experience it worked particularly well. As you'll see by the thoughts and comments of my teammates, I was saddled with some of the best and brightest this world has to offer. Bright spirits, bright smiles, bright friendships that will last far beyond a fun weekend. And I found that even though I cannot return to the super-fit me I was in my training for tri days, I can still do hard things; and I can do them with less sleep and more of a packed life of motherhood.

As a fitting word for this occasion, go here for spiritual enlightenment.


  1. So proud of you. What a great thing to do. Tyler and I are still talking about the family run, last week I started training for a half marathon, but my knee started to act up so I am down for a week if there is not a long lasting problem with it I will do the run next spring.

  2. oh I am so excited to read those words from Katie! and you have inspired me to dust off my running shoes and get back on the horse. or road I should say.
    better to run now so I can do some Ragnar later!
    way to go KT!
